The vortex cleaning machine is suitable for continuous cleaning of leaf vegetables in large batches, such as: repolho, repolho, espinafre, etc.. Tumble spiral water flow cleaning is mainly used, supplemented by bubble cleaning, which can be very well cleaned to each side of the vegetable leaves without damaging the leaves. The discharging action is sent by the vibrating discharging machine, and there is a water flow adjustment valve next to the machine, which is easy to operate. It is a supermarket agribusiness enterprise such as supermarkets, clean vegetable distribution, farmers market, etc.; prison schools, tropas, corporate canteens, meal trusteeship and other group meal enterprises; The best choice for large and medium enterprises such as central kitchen.
linha de produção de lavagem de vegetais vórtice para supermercado
- Detalhes do produto
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- Exposição do Produto Final
Nome do Produto
Vortex cleaning machine
Dimensões externas
4200*1100* 1700MILÍMETROS
Power supply
Adequado para limpar vegetais folhosos, rizomas e frutas e legumes em conserva