خنان Huafood Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.

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ماكينة تقشير البطاطس/

غسالة برميل الناقل

اسم المنتج:Automatic Roller Vegetable Cleaning Machine

قدرة المنتج:1000كجم/ساعة

مشهد قابل للتطبيق: المقاصف, المطاعم, مصانع تجهيز الأغذية

قوة: 0.75كيلوواط

حجم الآلة: 2400*1000*1500مم

وظيفة:مناسبة لتنظيف الخضار الورقية, الجذور والفواكه والخضروات المخللة

  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • معلومات تقنية
  • ميزة
  • عرض المنتج النهائي

Rotary fruit vegetable washing machine use fastening on the wall in the distribution of the spiral brush products do part incomplete spiral motion, product doing linear motion along the axis at the same time, be left play a falling height, the repeated adhesion on the material surface under the action of the oil under the impact of the brush and spray water, from the material, because than major and sink to the bottom of the tank, after washing products under the impetus of the brush into the lower process.

نموذج حدود(مم) وزن قوة(كيلووات) سعة
HDF2400 2400*1000*1500 300 0.75 1000كجم/ساعة
HDF3000 3000*1000*1600 380 1.1 1500كجم/ساعة

Washing machine cleaned in cleaning groove is covered by water, attached to the surface of quite a number of large pieces of soil loss, the conveyor belt into the drum washing machine inlet, cleaning material into the hopper into the rotating drum, the drum rotation in the pool, use of its own gravity separation of cleaning as propulsion, to realize automatic cleaning material.The cleaning material moves forward along the roller wall. During the movement, the cleaning material is constantly washed by water, the friction between cleaning material, the brushing between turning and the friction between cleaning material and the roller wall, and the cleaning process of cleaning material surface is completed under the joint action.



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